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DIACOR - Universal diagnostic meter

DIACOR Universal meter
DIACOR Universal meter
Recommended to use at the objects:
Recommended to use at the objects of Gazprom

Registered in the State Register
of approved measuring instruments:

State Register of Russia State Register of Belarus State Register of Khazakhstan State Register of Kyrgyzstan State Register of Armenia


Certified in the EAC 100 best products 2016

Application area

Universal diagnostic meter Diacor is designed for diagnostics of state of underground pipelines isolating coverings and control of the CP systems.


  • control of the cathodic protection working system:
    • measurement of pipe-ground potentials (intensive measurements);
    • measurement of the gradients of the AC voltage in the ground (method of insulation damage detection);
    • study of signal forms of the cathodic protection system;
    • measurement of polarization potential with the method of switching off of the auxiliary electrode;
  • detection of the pipeline axis;
  • detection of the depth of the pipeline and non-contact measurement of the variable component of the current in the pipeline;
  • recording of stray currents;
  • determination of absolute coordinates in GPS system;
  • recording of all measured parameters in the built-in memory;
  • data transfer to the stationary or mobile computer.


  • display and full-sized keyboard for convenient usage;
  • the dust- and waterproof body for working in the field;
  • intuitive interface;
  • convenient program of data processing.

Intensive measurements

The method of intensive measurements is the closely spaced measurements of enable potentials, disable potentials and their gradients at fixed modes of cathodic protection installations affecting the protection of the surveyed section of the pipeline, and further computer processing of the measurement results.

Intensive measurements by Diakor

Intensive measurements with the use of current interrupters for measurement of the switch-off potential (polarization potential) may be taken by following methods:
– two-electrode method;
– three-electrode method;
– additive method.

It should be noted that it is possible to measure the side gradient simultaneously on DC and AC that significantly reduces labor costs at intensive measurements.

In the mode of measurements on the AC it is possible to use two types of filters: bandpass and rejection. A bandpass filter passes a narrow frequency range. All other frequencies, below or above the narrow bandwidth, are significantly suppressed. A rejection filter suppresses or eliminates signals frequencies of which fall into a narrow range with the specified frequency.

A distinctive feature of Diacor is the advanced measurement capabilities of the polarization potential by the method of disconnecting the auxiliary electrode (in accordance with GOST 9.602). In this mode, program will register more than 1000 values, so you can view the device screen and record a graph of measurements for further analysis.

Technical data

Parameter nameValue
Number of measuring channels 6
Measuring ranges DC voltage:
1, 2, 3 channel

4 channel

5 channel

от -100 до +100 V
(±1; ±10; ±100)

от -360 до +360 V
(±3; ±6; ±15; ±30; ±60; ±150; ±360)

от -100 до +100 mV
Measuring ranges AC voltage:
2 channel

4 channel

от 0 до 1000 mV
(0÷10; 0÷100; 0÷1000)

от 0 до 250 V
(0÷2; 0÷20; 0÷250)
Frequency range of the measured AC voltage
2, 4 channel
40 ÷ 2000 Hz
Measurement ranges of DC, channel 5, A
(the device is designed for use of standard 75 mV shunts with rated current 1 to 9999 A)
from -9999 to +9999
Measurement range DC, channel 6, mA from -10 to +10
Limits of allowed measurement deviation, %:
- measurement of DC voltage:
1, 2, 3 и 5 channel
4 channel
- measurement of AC voltage (2, 4 channel)
- DC measurement (6 channel)

Level of suppression of industrial interference with a frequency of 50 and 100 Hz on channels 1 DC, 2 DC, 3 DC and 5, dB, not less than 40
Limits of allowed additional deviation caused by change of ambient temperature by each 10 °C in the working limits of temperatures, %, no more than ±0,5
Input resistance, not less than:
channels 1, 2 and 3 DC, MOhm
channel 2 AC, MOhm
channel 4, MOhm
channel 5, kOhm
channel 6, Ohm

Installed flash memory volume, Mb 32
Graphic display, pixels 240 х 128
Full-sized keyboard 59 keys
Built-in battery:
- capacity, mA∙h
- voltage, V

Power adapter voltage, V 12
Operation time without recharging the battery, h, not less than 15
Interface of connection with PC USB
Working temperature range, °С from -10 to +50
Dimensions of a device (length, width, height), mm, no more than 340 х 290 х 85
Dimensions of a standard set (length, width, height), mm, no more than 500 х 470 х 200
Weight of a device, kg, no more than 3
Weight of a standard set in assembly, kg, no more than 10
Body Dust and waterproof
Service lifetime, years, not less than 5

Standard delivery set of Diacor

Name of items for delivery setQuantity
Universal diagnostic meter Diacor 1
Power adapter 1
Car adapter 1
Measuring wires set
Auxiliary cables set
Regular belt 1
Certificate of checking 1
Operation manual 1
Software set
Carry case 1

Diacor delivery set with search module

Name of items for delivery setQuantity
Standard delivery set of Diacor 1
Search module in the carry case 1

Diacor delivery set with search module, additional and auxiliary equipment

Name of items for delivery setQuantity
Standard delivery set of Diacor with search module 1
Additional equipment:
Cable drum with sliding contacts KSK−1 Mendeleevets with the cable GUSP-141 the length of 1000 m 1
Anatomic back frame ST−1 1
Copper-sulphate depolarized portable electrode EMS−1,2 Mendeleevets with cable of the length 5 m 3
Copper-sulphate depolarized base electrode EMS−0,4 Mendeleevets with cable of the length 2 m 1
Copper-sulphate portable electrode with an auxiliary electrode EMS−VE Mendeleevets with cable of the length 5 m 1
Steel portable electrode EST Mendeleevets with cable of the length 5 m 2
Case for electrodes 1
Auxiliary equipment:
Current interrupters PT-1 4


  Diacor , Standard set   Specifications 4276-022-24707490-2008  
– Standard delivery set of Diacor;
– Diacor delivery set with search module;
– Diacor delivery set with search module, additional and auxiliary equipment
  Type of equipment::
Diacor - universal diagnostic meter

Typical schemes of the device connection

Intensive measurements
by three-electrode method
Intensive measurements
by additive three-electrode
method: base measurement
Intensive measurements
by additive three-electrode
method: other measurements
Measuring of the gradients
of the AC in the ground
(method of Insulation Damage Detection)
Measuring of the gradients
of the AC in the ground
by A-frame
Polarization potential
Measurements at the drainage
protection station
Measurements at road crossing
Measurements on crossing
of pipelines
Recording of oscillogram
of cathode protection station
Detection of stray currents
vector in the ground
Сathodic polarization of the pipeline
at the stage of completion of the construction